Monitoring - Starting and Stopping

To Start Monitoring with SpyAgent, click the "Start Monitoring" button - then enter your SpyAgent password.

To access the client when it is in stealth mode, press your hotkey combination - by default the hotkey combination is CONTROL+ALT+SHIFT+M - you will then be prompted for your password. After entering your password you will back at SpyAgent's main interface - press "Start Monitoring" to enter back into monitoring mode. If you have SpyAgent's key phrase access enabled you can type your key phrase to access SpyAgent's password prompt, too.

To stop monitoring press "Stop Monitoring" if you are not in stealth mode.

If you close/exit SpyAgent by clicking the "X" on the top right of the interface SpyAgent will NOT resume monitoring and you will have to manually restart SpyAgent and click "Start Monitoring" again.

Should you need to manually restart SpyAgent, you will want to open your installation folder (c:\program files (x86)\sysconfig\ by default on a 64-bit computer, or c:\program files\sysconfig\ on a 32-bit computer) and double click sysdiag.exe (or the main program file if you have renamed sysdiag.exe previously). Please ensure hidden file viewing is enabled in Windows to see the install folder and its contents.

Copyright Spytech Software and Design, Inc. 2000-2021