Do you suspect that your network users are abusing computers, stealing or leaking proprietary network assets, or just wasting time? You are not alone...
- 56.5%
of employees feel that surfing the Net or sending non-work-related E-mails
decreases productivity, and 31% of employers said that they restrict
employee Internet/E-mail usage. ( survey)
- 75% of companies cited employees as a likely source of hacking attacks. (CSI/FBI, 2003)
- $4.5 billion losses per Fortune 500 company - Confidential surveys indicate data theft losses are staggering, and as much as 80% of losses are due to insiders. (Computer Security Institute, 2001)
31.2% of employees feel it is appropriate to surf non-work-related sites
up to 30 minutes a day, 14.8% said up to one hour is appropriate, and
9% said over an hour, while only 26.6% of employers feel it is appropriate
for employees to surf non-work-related sites up to 30 minutes, 8.6%
said up to one hour, and 4.2% said over an hour. (

NetVizor is the latest in network monitoring software. Monitor
your entire network from one centralized location! NetVizor
allows you to track workstations and individual users that may
use multiple PC's on a network. NetVizor records everything users
do - from keystrokes typed to email activity. NetVizor can show
you what everyone is doing on your network, in real-time, with a
single mouse click via its visual network overview and real-time
activity ticker.
Combining real-time remote surveillance with complete individual user
monitoring, report creation, and security auditing, NetVizor is
the most comprehensive network monitoring solution available!
Centralized Network Monitoring |
Network Deployment |
Behavior Alerts |
Content Filtering |
Keystroke Logging |
Screenshot Capturing |
Application Usage |
Website Visits & Searches |
Social & Email Activity |
File Usage |
Stealth Operation |
Graphical Reports |

SentryPC is a cloud-based monitoring solution that enables you to control, restrict and monitor access and usage of your PC from anywhere.
You can control how long and when users are allowed to use the
computer, prevent the use of specific programs, block access to
certain websites, restrict access to Windows functions and more.
In addition to access control, SentryPC can also record all activities,
including keystrokes, website visits, applications ran, chats, and more. All
logged activities are viewable in real-time from anywhere via your
online cloud account.
Cloud-based Monitoring |
Remotely Installable |
Time Management |
Content Filtering |
Keystroke Logging |
Screenshot Capturing |
Application Usage |
Website Visits & Searches |
Social & Email Activity |
File Usage |
Stealth Operation |
Graphical Reports |