Product How-To Guides
Here you will find detailed step-by-step How-To's explaining how to perform specific actions with our software.
Installing and configuring SpyAgent for optimal stealth Configure Email Delivery with our Stealth Email Service Configure FTP Delivery with our Stealth FTP Service Configure SpyAgent to monitor all users except myself
Install Guide for Windows Install Guide for Mac OS Install Guide for Android Removing a computer from your account
NetVizor Installation Guides Configuring Shared Log Storage (storing and viewing logs on a shared folder) Configuring centralized logging over multiple subnets Configuring NetVizor's viewer to load specific computers
Extracting an IP from an Email from the remote computer
All Spytech Monitoring Software
Setting the log storage folder to full permissions for all users Turning off the UAC feature in Windows 7/8/10 (and vice versa) Turning off Hidden File Viewing in Windows 7/8/10 (and vice versa)