Getting Started with Keystroke Spy

Keystroke Spy is a keystroke logging monitoring solution. There are several basic steps you need to take in order to use Keystroke Spy.

1. Install the Keystroke Spy software.

Once you install Keystroke Spy's software you will be able to configure any extra settings you require, such as email delivery, keystroke alerts, and more. For more information refer to the Installation section of this help documentation.

2. Prepare your Mac for Keystroke Spy

To ensure your Mac is prepared to allow Keystroke Spy to log keystrokes please view our preparation instructions here.

3. Configure Keystroke Spy

When you first run Keystroke Spy you will have to set your access password. Once that is completed you can configure additional settings you need.

4. Start Monitoring

Once you have Keystroke Spy configured click 'Start Monitoring' to start logging keystrokes typed by users on your computer. For more information refer to the Monitoring section of this help documentation.

5. View Logs

Stop logging by clicking on 'Stop Logging', or by pressing the Keystroke Spy hotkey (default is CONTROL+COMMAND+SHIFT+M). Enter your password then click 'View Keystrokes' on the Keystroke Spy interface. For more information refer to the Viewing Activity section of this help documentation.


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